Each artistic director works at M.1 for 18 months. They determine the center’s artistic program and its direction during that time, and organize the call for entries and awarding of the artist grants.

The Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung fosters visual art and culture through three programmes (M.1 kuratieren, Advancement Awards, M.1 Lokal) and takes care of the rated building "Högerbau".
M.1 kuratieren
Advancement Awards
The Arthur Boskamp Foundation grants two advancement awards every two years. Recipient artists were born in, reside in or studied in northern Germany.
M.1 Lokal
M.1 Lokal stands for the foundation’s activities, which are conceived mostly in collaboration with people on-location, for the locality. The program has been running since 2010.
Im denkmalgeschützten ehemaligen Soldatenheim des norddeutschen Architekten Fritz Höger sollen mit der Sanierung 2022-2025 Gästewohnungen und Ateliers für ein Künstler*innen-Residenzprogramm, Mietwohnungen und eine Gaststätte entstehen.