The Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung is a member of the Network of Artists' Houses in Northern Germany (NKN), founded in 2019. Artists' residences are working and meeting places for artists and cultural workers from all over the world, equipped with studios, workshops and communication rooms and guest apartments. Far beyond their original task of promoting artists, they are interfaces between art and society and provide public spaces for social and cultural exchange. The NKN wants to make visible the potential of these national and international residency sites for artistic production in Northern Germany.
Current Projects
Currently there are no running projects.
Currently at M.1
Friday, 20 September
15:00 h
Friday, 20 September
19:30 h
Friday, 27 September
15:00 h
Saturday, 28 September
18:00 h
Sunday, 29 September
12:30 h
Saturday, 5 October
14:00 h
Wednesday, 9 October
19:30 h
Birnenkuchen und Lavendel
Friday, 11 October
15:00 h
Sunday, 13 October
14:00 h
Tag der Bienen
Sunday, 13 October
16:00 h
Führung durch die Ausstellung
Wednesday, 16 October
19:30 h
Film: Land des Honigs
Thursday, 17 October
19:30 h
Green Border
Friday, 18 October
15:00 h
Friday, 18 October
18:00 h
Saturday, 19 October
11:00 h
Tuesday, 22 October
19:30 h
Saturday, 2 November
14:00 h
Friday, 8 November
15:00 h
Friday, 8 November
19:30 h
Eine Millionen Minuten
Friday, 15 November
15:00 h
Friday, 15 November
19:30 h
One Life
Tuesday, 19 November
19:00 h
Vortrag von Dr. Martin Gruber
Friday, 22 November
15:00 h
Friday, 22 November
19:30 h
Das Leben ist ein langer ruhiger Fluss
Friday, 29 November
15:00 h
Friday, 29 November
18:00 h
Sunday, 1 December
11:00 h
Film: Hive
Sunday, 1 December
14:00 h
Workshop für Kinder
Sunday, 1 December
15:00 h
Führung durch die Ausstellung
Friday, 6 December
15:00 h
Thursday, 12 December
19:30 h
Herr Lehmann
M.1 kuratieren
M.1 kuratieren 2023 is in planning. In the meantime, check out M.1 kuratieren.