Artistic Direction 2019/20: Care
Sascia Bailer

Care for Caregivers

Care-work is diverse, but the problems are often the same: chronic overload, lack of self-care, increased isolation. The same issuesare also present in Hohenlockstedt and the surrounding area. In a series of workshops led by (inter-)national artists, these themes are in the foreground. The participants are given tools and knowledge that they can integrate into their everyday lives. Recognition, exchange and networking of local caregivers will be made possible -- and care will be provided for those people who mostly care for others.

Collectively building future support structures

Considering the alarming state of contemporary social conditions, relatively little action is taken by public organizations and political actors. One has to ask: Who cares?
Various positions from art, activism, academiaand society are to be brought together in order to think about a future of solidarity in our society across all sectors. What support structures are needed in art and society to make inclusion and equality a reality? Which approaches already exist, which deficits are hardly questioned?



15. February 15:30 h Learning from Holo / Reading in Holo

Book Launch with Sascia Bailer and the Inauguration of the new Library at M.1 with Ulrike Boskamp


27. April 19:34 h Welcome to the first SOCIAL MUSCLE CLUB in Hohenlockstedt