School Report



DJ Hairy Cowboy, Studierende, Studiengang Modedesign, HAW Hamburg, Schüler/innen, Grundschule Hohenlockstedt and Schüler/innen, Wilhelm-Käber-Realschule

Fashion Show and Exhibition on School Uniforms

Students interpret the theme “school uniforms” in an ironic and experimental way, partly inspired by the history of Hohenlockstedt, the colors and landscapes of the surrounding areas, the use of school uniforms in other countries and the social volatility of the issue. Two projects actively involve grade schoolers in the design of materials. In one exemplary project, the student developed an Emergency Uniform Kit, consisting of a trunk containing articles of clothing intended to cover schoolchildren’s offensive outfits (such as midriff-baring tops).

on the runway: Schoolchildren from the Hohenlockstedt Primary School
and the Wilhelm-Käber Secondary School
music: DJ Hairy Cowboy



9. February 16:30–18:30 h Event

Fashion Show (Students at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Department DMI Section Fashion Design)