Sascia Bailer
Advancement Awards 2019/20 (2019–2020)
Jury member -
Artistic Direction 2019/20: Care (2019–2020)
Artistic Director -
kuratieren #6
Publication Authors
Sascia Bailer: Curating, Care, and Corona, M.1 Hohenlockstedt 2019-20
Verlag der Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung 2020 (2020–9999) -
Letters to Joan How do we dare not to dream in grand ways, but to maintain? Dare not to innovate, but repair? Dare not to discover but recuperate? Dare to put a limit to growth, and start to care? (2020)
Publication Artist
Sascia Bailer ́s research and practice is located at the intersection of care, curating and social transformation. She is the Artistic Director 2019/20 of M.1 by the Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung and is working on her practice-based curatorial PhD at Zurich University of the Arts and the University of Reading. She has worked internationally within the arts, including MoMA PS1, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics. She holds an MA from Parsons School of Design and a BA from Zeppelin University.
Further events:
Friday, 12 June
18:00 h
Artistic Director
Saturday, 13 June
10:00 h
Artistic Director
Sunday, 14 June
11:00 h
Artistic Director