Letters to Joan How do we dare not to dream in grand ways, but to maintain? Dare not to innovate, but repair? Dare not to discover but recuperate? Dare to put a limit to growth, and start to care?
Sascia Bailer, Gilly Karjevsky and Rosario TaleviThe scholar Joan Tronto introduced the concept of care into political philosophy, arguing for a caring democracy. As part of #Caring of the New Alphabet School the curators invited eight scholars and artists to write public letters to Joan Tronto that share their thoughts on the current state of care during this global pandemic. And Joan responded.
Edited by Sascia Bailer, Gilly Karjevsky, Rosario Talevi with further contributions by Edna Bonhomme, Johanna Bruckner, Teresa Dillon, João Florêncio, Johanna Hedva, Elke Krasny, Patricia Reed, Yayra Sumah and Joan Tronto
The publication can be downloaded here. It is part of the #Caring edition of the New Alphabet School, which took place digitally in June 2020 in cooperation with the House of World Cultures. More about the project can be found here.