10 June 2023
18 h

Queer Bar | mit den Refugee Sisters* & Projekt Artikel 21

On June 10, the Refugee Sisters* from Hamburg relate queerness to displacement and safety. The group is a project of the lesbian association Intervention e.V. and seeks to connect people with the resources and information they need to realize their short- and long-term goals after their arrival in Hamburg. The aim and task of Refugee Sisters* are professional counseling, support and empowerment of lesbian, bisexual and queer women* as well as trans* and inter* people who have come to Hamburg by way of flight.

At the QUEER BAR, the Refugee Sisters* present their video project “Unsafe Utopias – Queer in the Asylum System”. In the project, people from the LGBTQIA* community who are or have been confronted with the asylum system themselves share their experiences and adventures, but also their demands for changing the existing system to ensure safety and protection for queer refugees in Hamburg. There will also be shared food and drinks; various snacks and pineapples soaked in rum will be served. It's Queer Pineapple time!

Everybody is welcome, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity and sexual orientation. The bar will be open from 6 pm in the garden of M.1 in Hohenlockstedt. The venue is barrier-free. Admission is free.

The QUEER BAR 2023 is funded by the Förderstiftung Kreis Steinburg.